After bangun teros kemas rumah and masak nasi 4put sbb mama nak masak so mam suruh kemas rumah and masak nasi teros..ok then bila dah selesai..bukak Facebook :) part ni yg best but bila everyday im just do the same thing its getting boring..bukak FB tegok notifications and main game..bukak Social City nak collect and buat kontrak and Reataurant City nak collect duit jgk..tu je la..everyday just do the same thing..nak chatting jgn ckp la..mmg tak de pon nak chat2 :P
pastu pukul 3.00 tidur then pukul 6.30 bangun sbb nak magrib dah..pastu on9 FB disebabkan dah bosan sgt hahhhaha ni la keje aku

P/S : k lah bye! sbb nak tgk Anugerah Berita Harian! bye
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